Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How To Lose 10 Pounds In a Week Without Starving?

A lot of people set themselves a goal to drop a few pounds fast.
This can be because of a special event or a lot of other different reasons. no doubt, losing up to 10 pounds can actually help you feel a little better and get more self confidence.

Dropping weight quickly can be a simple job with some changes to your diet and exercise plan, and can be achieved in about 13 days. However, its much more recommended to keep your weight loss off permanently, and not just for a few weeks.
Although a fast weight loss can be very tempting, we recommend you to make sure you find a weight loss plan that's safe and sustainable long-term.

If you really want to make that change in your life, and lose 10 pounds or even more, you should focus on strength training.
This will make you build muscles and of course will help a lot with burning calories during your workout and even after the workout.
Researchers found that women who did strength training increased their resting metabolic rate for as long as 16 hours post exercise.
you should do 10 reps of each move, and you can not rest between one exercise to another!
Then you can take yourself a one minute break.
Follow this special routine two or three times a week for perfect results.
If you want to lose those 10 pounds faster, do this routine in addition to this cardio workout, two times a week.
You should warm up for 9 minutes at least, then, speed up to your own pace and hold it steady for about 12 to 15 minutes. Then slow back down the pace for six minutes. Repeat one or two more times.

1) Stability-ball Jackknife 
Start with pushup position with your shins on a stability ball, your body forming a straight line from head to heels. Keep your back flat, and contract your abs and pull the ball toward you by bending your knees toward your chest. Pause, then return to start. That's one rep.
2) Dumbbell Lunge With Biceps Curl
Holding dumbbells at your sides, step your left foot forward and bend your knees until your left thigh is nearly parallel to the floor. As you lunge, curl the weights in front of your chest, palms up. Reverse to return to start, then repeat with the right leg. That's one rep.


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